Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Things that annoy me ... PT 1

The truth is, there are A LOT of things that annoy me so this post could be going on for a while, if that is the case I will have to do a part one and two ... and maybe three but lets just get this part over and done with.

So I think the first thing that HAS to be on here are 'fake celebrities . Now I hear you say, 'what do you mean 'fake celebrities?'', I'm talking about these people from Big Brother, TOWIE, MIC, rejects from The X Factor people from shows who take nobodies, just like myself and place them on TV, and why? For our entertainment.

With the exception of Davina Mccall, (who by the way annoys me, but that's for another day), these shows and these people just go around acting like 'Oh look at me I'm famous and I work hard and blah blah blah!', well you know what I say to that? HELL NO! Ok, so lets take Big Brother to start with as it's the first picture up there, (see where I'm going with this?). So what is Big brother about? You take 12 people, I think it's 12 I don't watch the show because I have a life.

So you go for this audition, and they pretty much pick the people who would be the most entertaining in the house, common knowledge right? sure, thats fine, but this people are not entertaining ... they're idiots, and I mean down right idiots! Lets take Nikki for instance, now as I said before, I don't watch this show, but I remember her because of her face, it was so liney and she was so moany, she moaned at everything! Holy Crap, the worst thing was, she didn't even win but she became famous, she even had her own Tv show:

How is that famous? So in this show she got she would have to go around and do all this jobs she wouldn't dream of doing because you know, she's such a 'princess', (someone pass the gag bucket), I remember watching one episode, I got about 5 minutes in, if that and thought screw this shit! She had to work in a chippie and she moaned at EVERYTHING 'omg it's so greasy' 'omg what is this' 'omg I'm too good for this', ok I just threw the last one in but you get the point, she's a waste of space and time.

There is also Brain Downing, (is that even his name?), The gay guy who won one year, he got put into all these presenting gigs, why? Dude if you weren't in this damn show you would have got nowhere! Then there's Brian ... Damn forgot his name! The black guy who is sooooo dumb, oh wow it's not even funny!

I just personally do not get this show, so you throw a bunch of losers in a house and  give them tasks here and there and just watch them for weeks on end, DUDE! They even have night time cam, it's on ALL day, no one is THAT interesting. No who ever has watched this, I need you to answer me on thing, 'Do you feel like you've wasted your time?'

Now I won't lie to you, I people watch like no ones business, but I go outside and I have fun, I have a life. I'm now gonna move onto TOWIE because I could really be here writing about Big Brother for the whole thing.

I just have one last note to leave you with though! - CHANNEL 5! I used to love you what with showing CSI, OUAT and other awesome shows but now you suck because I thought that BB had gone from our screens forever and then BOOM! You go and buy the rights! Well thank you VERY much.

TOWIE. Oh wow where do I even start? Lets just start by saying this: I have NEVER seen anything so pointless and dumb on TV in my whole entire life, these people on here are why everyone thinks Essex is just plain stupid and all they care about is being fake and absolutly uneducated.

I just wanna show you this video, It's got Joey Essex in it, now I have yet to watch it but I have heard what it entails. Go on, have a look:

There are no words for him at all, and please don't get me started on the rest of them! Ok so what, someone decides to make a show about people in Essex? Like a mockumentry? Ok great that's fine. My question however, is 'Why the hell did you need to pick the retards from Essex?' I don't understand it, I can't watch 2 minutes of this show without feeling embarrassed for them and having to turn off the TV, and now they walk around giving US fashion advice, (love you look like someone bitch slapped you with a crayola and a can of orange tango). Where do they get off? 'Oh well we're famous and we did this and we had to over come hardship and...' BLAH BLAH BLAH! Dude no one cares, you didn't do shit to make it where you are today, some casting director thought you were pretty, threw you into a stupid show that only idiots and uneducated people find good and from that you had shit loads of help to build up your empire of badly dressed umpa lumpers.

I remember once, I was in this club, (I wont say which one) but two people from TOWIE was there, Sam, (I only know it was her because a friend got 'star stuck' and I had to take a damn picture of them, needless to say I gave her evils the whole time), and the blonde kid who's 17 (well was at the time), and because of this 'status' that kid had, the bouncer let him into the club, now from what I remember it's illegal to let anyone in a club who's under the age of 18. It's idiotic and not fair, they're as thick as shit and they get special treatment because of this ... HELL NO!

Lets now move on to MIC, the educated virson of TOWIE ... not the people who watch it but the people in it! These people annoy me as well, they COME from money and yet they still walk around like they've come from nothing! I'm not sure but from what a friend told me, a few of the worked in PR or fashion and had quite good jobs .. good for them but you can sure as well be certain they didn't get it of their own backs! Mummy and/or daddy got them the role.

Unfortunately I don't have much to say about MIC only that once again they got picked from no where and are now famous! I don't get how this works, someone please explain to me.

Another 'fake celebratie' programme ... The X factor! The worst of them all!

'Nuff said! They take a show that's meant to showcase talent but instead, keep idiots on, people who make an impression! They don't have to really be good, they just have to have 'stage presence , although I'm sure the idiots have forgotten what this word means, and they have to 'bring' something to the show, which because most of this idiots, (like Jedward) are soooooo cringy, they got down to the bottom! -Insert shock face here-.

The truth is, you can't manufacture people, it doesn't work! Even the people at the X factor don't! I know for a fact, (because I have inside knowledge) that the researchers for the show go around to gigs and music shows and what not and ASK these musicians to come and audition  although in this case audition is a very strong word, because they don't, they get put straight in front of the judges and they know they're getting through. the whole thing is a waste of time, my time, bill payers time, and a time where on a Saturday night, the channel could use that time to put something fabulous on! Like a new film or a family film (as lets me honest, the group this show is intended for are all out getting pissed on a Saturday!)

T.V - Behave yourself. Come on! 2013 - New year, new start?! -She says hoping desperately-

Wanna know what else annoys me? FAKE TANS! Now I'm not talking about the sunbed tans, dude you wanna give yourself cancer, be my guest. No, I'm talking about the full on liquid, comes in a bottle, looks like shit when applied tans! Now I don't know how much of a rant I can go into this because a few of my friends are guilty parties, but the thing is they don't need it! You live in London! People expect you to look white, where did this fake liquid tan come from anyways? To have a tan means you've been on holiday, you look relaxed and rejuvenated  not that you've just rolled around a farm! Also it comes off on EVERYTHING! I wore a pair of white shorts ages ago on a night out, my friends all 'tanned' up, I came home and my shorts were brown! It look like I had shit everywhere! Not a good look!

I understand that in the winter it's cold and everyone looks pale but thats the point! EVERYONE looks pale, it's not just you, I have a friend (no names mentioned), who wears skin tights in the summer, no forgive me but skin tights just blend in with your skin right? Just to add a little bit of warmth? She wears them because she thinks she's too pale! EMBRACE your whiteness! Embrace the fact you're British. I know it's hard becuase this country is not good at all, but we're known for not having good weather, we're known for being white! So I say, in this instance, embrace your stereo type!

I feel this is enough at the moment! There are plenty of things that annoy me but I feel I'll give you fabulous readers a rest for the time being! Look out for part 2 coming soon! =D

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