Thursday 7 February 2013


I'm gonna go a little deep in this post so you'll have to bare with me.

I want to write about something thats close to me, bullying. When it comes to this, in school I got off easy I guess, I still had friends and never physically got abused or mentally during primary or secondary  but I was picked on,. In primary school I would have people run from me and in secondary people called me names, (we're not gonna get into what names I was called, but it was bad enough and yes, it did hurt me.)

When I got a little older, I started 'hanging out' with friends and this idiots who decided it would be fun to pick on me ... I got fly kicked, things thrown at me, and called names but you know what? I over came it because I realised that I was better then these people and I always would be! These kids grew up with parents who would drink all the time, walk around like they were better then everyone and it rubbed off on their kids who are now still ... at the age of 23, hanging on the streets not doing anything with their life, where as me? I went to collage, I went to Uni and I got a job before my graduation and In a few months I'm taking a online course to further my knowledge and hopefully be able to work for myself.

My point is, people can cut you down, call you names, do what ever they want to do but it's because you're different, different in the sense of being smarter then them, better spoken then them, more determined to succeed, or even stupid reasons like listening to different music then people or wearing the 'wrong shoes', but who are these people to tell you you're wrong? People have their own way of living, their own way of doing things and their own way of dressing, I don't get people who sit there and say your wrong by trying to cut you down, making you fell as small as they possibly can.

Now, from my previous blog, I can imagine a few of you calling me a hypocrite and you know what? You're properly right, I say what I see and if I don't like it, I will tell you but I will NOT cut you down, and I will NEVER make you feel worthless because the truth is, I know how it feels! I know what it feels like to sit there and have people talk down to you, make you feel like you're nothing but you need to overcome this! People will tell you their jealous or whatever, and when these people are adults and you're being bullied at adult stage, said people are properly right but as kids? No, no these people are wrong. Bottom line, kids are cruel, they will pick on someone just because of one tiny little thing, one tiny difference! For me it was because I was a little bigger then most kids, a little taller and a little better spoken. I wasn't what you would call smart, I was averaging C's, that was primary school days, secondary school, I have no idea why this one girl had it out for me, I got off lightly as I had amazing friends there but when we were with freak show (the idiots we hung out with)thats when it all began, the fly kicking, the being thrown things at and the extra name calling).

I still see these people as I'm saving up to move country so still live in the same place but as I mentioned before none of them work! 1 might but thats it! They still hang out on the streets and do nothing! Both of the groups I hung out with! The boys are nothing, they know I'm better then them in every way and when I walk past them I still get called the name they used to call me but you know the funniest thing? When I'm walking past them in heals and all dressed up for a night out, they wolf whistle at me and call me sexy and darling! I'm like WTF is going on?! I ignore them, I'm better then them!

"Your past shapes your future"

I belive in this! Those people who decided it would be fun to be incredibly horrible to me back then has made into this person today, a very determined female, (who may be a little judgy at times) but NEVER horrible to people. I stick up for myself and I know what I want in life.

Love is louder 
          Then the pressure to be perfect.

The best campaign, with it's leader Brittany Snow, (Last picture), this campaign is to remind people that you know what? You're not alone! There are people out there who are going through the same troubles as you, or people who have been through the same problems, but they over came it, they showed these people that they were better then them, always have been always will be

At the moment this is all I have in this bit of my blog because I need some contributors, I need your stories, lets get it out that people are not alone, that you can over come their crap! No matter what anyone says, no matter what anyone does, just please, remember that you will always be better. Rise above them, rise above their crap, be the best that you can be and NEVER let anyone bring you down.

If you want to contribute please email me at


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